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    Services at
    Annah Centre

    Što je homeopatija? Osnovno načelo u homeopatiji glasi: „Slično se sličnim liječi”. Začetnik homeopatije bio je njemački liječnik Samuel Hahnemann…
    Što su to Bachove kapi? Engleski doktor i homeopat Edward Bach (1886. – 1936.) svoj je prirodni sustav iscjeljivanja razvio…
    What are Schuessler Salts? Schuessler Salts, or Biochemic Tissue Salts, are natual healing remedies discovered by German physician and a homeopath, dr Wilhelm…
    Što su to Australske Bush kapi? Australske Bush kapi prirodna su metoda samo-pomoći koja se sastoji od 69 cvjetnih esencija.…
    What is the Buteyko breathing method and who was Dr. Konstantin Buteyko? The Buteyko breathing method was developed by Dr. Konstantin…
    Edukacije o homeopatiji, Bachovim kapima, Schuesslerovim solima, različiti seminari i radionice za profesionalnu i osobnu primjenu…

    Usluge savjetovanja za poboljšanje stanja zdravlja


    Homeopatija. Bachove kapi. Schuesslerove soli. Australske Bush kapi. Buteyko metoda disanja.

    • Naučite kako ojačati imunitet i poboljšati svoje zdravlje.
    • Nađite rješenje za svoje fizičke tegobe.
    • Pronađite svoj unutarnji mir i balans.
    • Posavjetujte se s onima koji Vas razumiju.

    Osobni rast i razvoj u Annah centru

    Edukacija za osobnu upotrebu
    Edukacija za osobnu upotrebu

    Homeopatija za kućnu upotrebu. Osnove Schuesslerovih soli. Bachove kapi Level 1 i 2.

    • Naučite kako pomoći sebi i svojoj obitelji.
    • Napredujte u svom osobnom razvoju.
    • Usavršite svoje vještine komuniciranja i prezentiranja.
    • Pronađite svoje neotkrivene talente.

    Profesionalni rast i razvoj u Annahu

    Edukacija za savjetnike
    Edukacija za savjetnike

    Homeopatska akademija. Edukacija za Savjetnike za Schuesslerove soli i analizu lica. Edukacija o Bachovim kapima.

    • Steknite znanja i vještine u području homeopatije.
    • Usavršite svoje znanje i vještine u području homeopatije kroz program mentoriranja, edukaciju o vještinama repertoriziranja u homeopatiji ili učenjem naprednih metoda homeopatske analize slučajeva. 
    • Naučite vještinu analize lica i postanite savjetnik za Schuesslerove soli.
    • Završite Level 1 i 2 o Bachovim kapima i pripremite se za edukaciju za Bachove praktičare.
    • Obogatite svoje profesionalne usluge novim metodama.
    • Usavršite svoje vještine komuniciranja i prezentiranja.

    Why Annah?

    The Mission of Annah is:

    • to spread and transfer the knowledge and skills on homeopathy and related methods of natural healing, through high-quality education,
    • to contribute to the development of homeopathy and related methods, as acknowledged anf respected healing methods, for the welfare of all people,
    • to provide support to clients through consultation services, and to support their personal, emotional and health advancement.

    The Vision of Annah is to become a successful world’s homeopathic centre and and international brand, recognised as:

    • uniqueness and innovativeness
    • professionalism and ethical values
    • quality and expertise in working with clients
    • achievements and contributions in the field of homeopathy and related methods
    • spreadng the knowledge and skills on homeopathy and related healing methods, through high-quality education and mentoring
    • collaboration with world’s homeopathic community

    Consultants in Annah centre are providing services in accordance with the Code of Ethics of Annah Centre, as well as Code of Practice of relevant institutions where we are registered members. Consultations on Bach flower remedies are done in accordance with all the provisions of the Code of Practice of The Dr Edward Bach Foundation.

    We care for our clients!

    • We provide personal, phone, Skype, and e-mail consultations, in line with client’s preferences.
    • We cherish individual approach to each client
    • We use combination of methods for maximum benefit of each client
    • We are constantly updating our knowledge and services
    • We strive to help you today, so that you could help others tomorrow

    Maintain your balance. Regain health. Stay positive. Endure everything. 


    European silver medal with Bach and Bush flower essences

    After the European Championships where our competitor won a silver medal, I can honestly tell you that the Bush and Bach flower essences were of great help to us. The coaching job is extremely stressful, and when you are still in the finals of the European Championship, the adrenaline is at its peak. Bach and Bush flower essences have made it easier for us to cope with this positive stress. It is a great pride and happiness when the effort paid off after hard training and giving up and we could truly experience that feeling because there was no nervousness. Thank you in Jan’s and my name for your loyal support. Martina Šarec


    Klaudija Bubalo uses homeopathy for sport and family

    I started using Homeopathy in 1998 when I lived in France, where I played for women’s handball club Metz. I got homeopathic remedies many times from our club’s doctor, for injuries or colds. When I returned to Zagreb and became a mother, I continued using homeopathy all these years. My children are growing up with these natural remedies. Today I turn to Ana whenever I need an advice, and my entire family uses homeopathy. Thank you Annah!

    Klaudija Bubalo

    Annah does fantastic things!

    Annah centar does fantastic things! With homeopathy and other methods (Schuessler Salts, Bach flower remedies, Bush flower remedies, and Buteyko breathing method), I ma handling collected waste in my body, mind and emotions. And seminars that Ana runs – this is really something special! We learn on these seminars, not only about these remedies, but also about ourselves and others! Vanda Senta

    Vanda Senta

    Nataša Kolega loves homeopathy and Annah

    After I met Ana and visited Annah, I realized what I wanted in life. My health and a quality life is the most important thing in my life now. No more tiredness in the morning, no more exhaustion during the day, and no more sleepless nights. I have my peace, my bliss, and most importantly – good sleep! Thank you so much!

    Nataša Kolega

    Impressions from Canada

    All these years I have been a prisoner in my own skin. I have to mention that I live in Canada, I found out about Ana and I was hoping that there might be help for me, too. We started via skype. Ana lived up to my expectations, and this year I visited her, and was delighted with the welcome and what I experienced. I am living a full life now and I want to make up for all these lost days and years. Naila Gegić, Canada
    Naila Gegić, Kanada

    Naila Gegić, Kanada

    Anita Moorjani loves homeopathy

    Dear Ana, it is really wonderful to have met you and I am very happy to have my personal homeopath now! I look forward to our next meeting! Much love, Anita xx

    Anita Moorjani


    Consultation and education: Homeopathy. Bach flower remedies (BFRP). Schuessler Salts. Australian Bush Flower Essences. Buteyko breathing method.

    Dr. sc. Ana Klikovac

    Owner and director. Homeopath.


    Mission and vision | Why Annah? | Disclaimer | Privacy and cookies | Terms of use | Code of Ethics
    Annah Center