Ana Klikovac, Ph.D.

“If we keep on going, we will succeed in every area! To endure when it is the hardest, to wait for the sun to go out – this is the strenght that leads us to our health and wellbeing! To think positively, to make an effort, and to hold on – this is the power within us, and we just need to find it!

Ana Klikovac, owner and homeopath at Annah 

About Ana Klikovac

Professional career before homeopathy…

Ana Klikovac, Ph.D., obtained her Ph.D. title in 2011. at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics, on the subject of “The role of auditing in fraud detection, as a prerequisite of the stability of capital markets.”

She obtained her Master of Science title at the same institution, in 2006, on the subject of: “The impact of harmonisation of financial reporting in the European Union on financial reporting of the Republic of Croatia”.

She was teaching accounting and auditing at a higher education institution, from 2006-2017, where she was also a director of a postgraduate MBA program “Accounting, Auditing and Taxes”.

She is a certified internal auditor.

For her doctoral and master thesis, she received and award of the Croatian Association of Accountants and Financial Experts.

She is an author of the book FInancial Reporting in the European Union, published in Croatian language (Financijsko izvještavanje u Europskoj uniji), and an author of numerous scientific and other papers in accounting and auditing.

Some of her work can be found here:

Book chapter in the book “Management, Governance and Entrepreneurship”, titled “Challenges and perspectives in fraud prevention and detection for management”, co-authored with Boris Tušek:

Article 1: Klikovac International Journal of Management Cases

Article 2: Ana Klikovac Forensic auditing

Article 3: Klikovac Financial reporting in the EU

My personal and professional transformation… in my own words…

“My greatest inspiration and motivation in my life are my husband and our three children. They are my biggest supporters, and because of them, and for them, I started working in the field of homeopathy. I started studying the homeopathy and related natural healing methods because of my children, not knowing that one day many people will seek my services and help. 

I started learning about homeopathy in 2003, when my first daughter was born. I am using Bach flower remedies since 2005, when my second daughter was born. I discovered Schuessler salts when I needed them, to improve my health conditions. And I started learing Buteyko breathing method to help my son with reccurent bronchitis. 

All these positive experiences in using homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, and other natural healing methods, encouraged me to start my own education in these fields. After 11 years of personal use and studying of these methods, I left my original job and devoted all my professional time to working in my own centre for homeopathy. 

Each of these methods changed my life and re-directed me to my current path of being a homeopath and a teacher of homeopathy. Every day I am witnessing “miracles” that these methods do. And I am amazed every day how powerfull these methods are.  

Today I am helping my clients find their way to health, and I am helping new homeopaths and practitioners to gain knowledge on these methods. I collaborate with world’s renowned homeopaths and practitioners, and I am especially produ that I am a faculty and representative of ‘the other song’ academy for advanced homeopathy of dr Rajan Sankaran, from Mumbai, India. 

These wonderful and natural methods helped me to live the life that I have right now.”

Education in the field of homeopathy and related methods… and my new career

Ana Klikovac, homeopath with Ph.D. in economics (accounting and auditing).
Lives in Zagreb, Croatia. She is an owner of Annah centre for homeopathy and support of health, in Zagreb, Croatia. She is also an owner of ASHUH company, Zagreb, established for promoting homeopathy and organising joint projects (seminars, conference, book publication) in collaboration with dr. Sankaran, ‘the other song’ academy, Homeopathic Medical Publisher, and Synergy Homeopathic.

Ana completed a programme of classical and French homeopathy in Zagreb. She devoted herself to many years of learning from the world’s best homeopaths, including Dr Rajan Sankaran. She has visited The Other Song International Academy of Advanced Homeopathy in India several times, where she participated in practical and professional training, specialising in both the Sensation Method and the ‘8 Box’ method of homeopathy.

Ana is a teacher at online and master program at The Other Song Academy, as well as TOS representative for European and international markets. Together with TOS, she is running a homeopathic academy in Zagreb, Croatia, since 2018, where she is teaching Organon, Materia Medica and Sensation Method.

Ana Šafran

Ana works with several methods in homeopathy. She learned The Banerji Protocols™ from late dr. Prasanta Banerji and his son dr. Pratip Banerji. She studied the plant remedies in homeopathy from Jan Scholten in the Netherlands. She owns diplomas in Homeopathic Detox Therapy and CEASE method (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression).

Alongside homeopathy, Ana works with several complementary methods.

She is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner. She is also the first certified teacher for Bach flower remedies in Croatia. She teaches Level 1 and Level 2 courses on Bach flower remedies, approved by The Bach Centre from England.

She has edited a number of works by Dr Edward Bach in the Croatian language, and prepared and edited a book on Bach flower remedies. She wrote her own book on Bach flower remedies, which is in the publication process.

She is a consultant for Schuessler’s tissue salts and facial analysis. She is also a teacher for Schuessler salts and facial analysis.

She is a certified practitioner for Australian Bush Flower Essences, and an accredited practitioner of the Buteyko breathing method.

Ana says: ‘Homeopathy is my great love … something I greatly enjoy … that’s what God has given me as a gift, a talent and my life mission.’
Of all the homeopathic methods she has studied over the years, Ana most enjoys working with the Sensation Method, which she describes as ‘a mixture of homeopathy, psychology and detective work’.

India, as a country of advanced homeopathy, along with The Other Song Academy, are constant sources of inspiration for Ana, and she is always happy to travel there.

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