Why I studied homeopathy?

Why I studied homeopathy?

Why I studied homeopathy?

Today I’ll explain why I’ve studied homeopathy.

Those of you who have attended my educational programs already know this story , but today I have a need to share it publicly.

Simply put – I decided to study homeopathy because our homeopath was not available to us when I needed her most!

Many of you will understand my story. You know how it goes with kids – they just “decide” to be sick on Fridays at 10pm. So have my children. Every now and then they had a sore ear, throat, a viral infection, etc. Late Friday night, as if they were doing this to me “out of spite”, to drive me crazy. Where should I take them on Friday night, except to the emergency room? But it is not such an urgency to go to the ER immediately, so little by little, the disease starts to develop,. They just have a sore throat, and then the next day they start coughing, and by Sunday there is already laryngitis, and here we are on the way to the emergency room. Or we can hardly wait till Monday, and the doctor is on duty in the afternoon, so we wait for the afternoon, and from Friday to Monday, so many symptoms have already developed that we’re sure to get the antibiotics. And it would happen again and again. Friday was their favorite day to start the symptoms.

When I tried to contact my homeopath, knowing that the first dose of homeopathy could help the symptoms subside, that the disease would not develop further if they took homeopathy (because homeopathy treats the cause of the disease) – she was unavailable to me. She didn’t work on Saturdays and Sundays and often didn’t even respond to messages when I wrote to her with urgent need for a recommendation of some remedy. She was right. The weekend is for rest, for peace, for family. Where would she end up if all her clients started calling her on Saturdays and Sundays ?!

And so came another Friday. It was about 10 p.m. My daughter Eva comes up to me and says, “Mom, my throat hurts.” I pretend to be an expert in homeopathy, so I ask her: “How does your throat hurt? Left or right? What kind of pain is that? ” She tells me: “Mom, I’m in pain, I don’t know how it hurts. ” She was small, she didn’t know how to explain, and I was still a layman and self-taught in homeopathy, so I didn’t know how to determine the real homeopathic remedy immediately and quickly. So I set out in desperation to go through the homeopathic books I had collected and read daily to my liking. And I turn and turn the pages… and again I ask Eva: “What kind of pain is it?”, And Eva answers again: “My throat hurts, mom!”. In the misery of that moment, I answered: “I don’t know, Eva, what to give you! I do not know! I don’t know what remedy you need! ”. And that energy of anger, misery, helplessness of that moment took me instantly to the computer, to Google, where I typed in the search engine: “School of Homeopathy”. That date was crucial. In a few days I was enrolled in the School of Homeopathy.

When I found a homeopathy school that suited me, I went back to Eva’s room that evening and told her, “Eva, mom is going to enroll in a homeopathy school. Mom will be a homeopath and mom will know in the future what remedies to give you when something hurts. And remember well, I will enroll it now – not just for you – I will enroll for all of you my children and for your children too. When your child has a sore throat on Friday night at 10pm, Eva, you will call me and the “grandma” will come with her set of remedies and you will never be in the situation as I am today. I will be available to you and Helena and Ante and your children.I will learn for my children and for my grandchildren! ” Eva listened to me with her sweet green-blue eyes and nodded as if she understood me. I told her that story many times later. For example, when she had mononucleosis and when she recovered nicely and quickly with the help of homeopathy. For example, now that we are locked in isolation and take homeopathy whenever we have a problem. Today, my decision to enroll in homeopathy school came to the fore in full glory! Today I have confirmed that it was the best decision I have ever made!

I read in the newspapers about the concerns of people that cannot contact their doctor right away if something hurts them. I read how an ambulance does not come for patients. I read the case of a girl, who ended up in appendicitis surgery, but the ambulance did not come for her, she was driven to the hospital by a neighbor.

Now, I ask you: do you feel safe in this age of self-isolation? Where will you go if you have a toothache? Who will you call if you have bladder inflammation? Will an ambulance come to you if you feel sick? Those you usually call don’t work, are not allowed to work, or work only with patients dealing with Coronavirus and in the most urgent cases.

Have you read about these cases?

On the other hand I receive thankful messages from clients who have studied homeopathy.with me They do perfectly on their own in these difficult times. They have their own home set of homeopathic remedies, they know how to choose Schuessler’s salts for all ailments, they know how to stack their own bottles of Bach essences! Now I see that my mission was successful, that my decision to enroll in homeopathy school made a difference and had transferred to  many of my clients and changed a lot of lives for the better!

My clients called me after the earthquake: WE TOOK ACONITUM IMMEDIATELY!

Yes, they had it at home in their homeopathic set! They studied homeopathy for everyday use!

I tell them: Bravo, I had also immediately took Aconitum 10M for myself and my family and slept peacefully without fear.

A client called me a few days ago: her mother was very ill. She hasn’t drank or eaten for three days, she was disoriented, she just slept. The doctor refused to come because she had no protection. The ambulance also did not want to come. Mom doesn’t get out of bed for three days, she’s confused and just sleeps. Otherwise, in such a situation of urgency, they rushed her to the emergency room. Now that was not possible. After just one dose of a suitable homeopathic remedy – mom came to life, ate her first meal, got out of bed. The next morning, a client calls me: my mother is alive, watching TV, she is no longer confused. She eats normally, she is no longer disoriented, she is talkative, she does not sleep that much anymore. And I listened to that story with pride. Yes, that’s how homeopathy works! And that’s how it works when you can help your family – yourself!

I have more stories. Renal colic that was cured after the first dose of homeopathic remedy. High blood pressure that dropped after a single dose of homeopathy. Swelling of the lymph nodes that subsided after several doses of homeopathy. And all those stories have one common denominator. These are all my clients, my students, who have learned to choose homeopathic remedies, Schuessler’s salts and Bach essences on their own! They all helped themselves and their family! All these cases have happened in the last month when doctors were not available to these people and when they had to deal with these problems on their own. And each of these advances was made solely by the use of homeopathy, without other medicines or preparations. My clients learned about these methods in time and were ready to welcome this world crisis!

But, of course! This is how this system was conceived!

Here I will quote Dr. Edward Bach, who wrote back in the 1930s that every housewife should know how she can help her children and her family by using plants from nature

“Important features of therapy with these plants are:

  1. – that all essences are prepared from beautiful plants and trees from nature and that none of them is harmful, nor can it do harm.
  2. – that it is so easy to understand without the knowledge of medicine so that it can be used in all households. Think for a moment what that means.

There are amongst us in almost every town or village some who have to a lesser or greater degree the desire to be able to help in illness; to be able to relieve the suffering and heal the sick, but from circumstances have been prevented from becoming doctors or nurses, and have not felt that they were able to carry out their desire or mission.

These herbs place in their hands the power to heal amongst their own families, friends and all around them.

In addition to their occupation, they are enabled in their spare time to do a very great amount of good, as many are so doing today; and there are some who have even given up their work to devote all their time to this form of healing.

It means to those who always had an ideal, a dream of relieving the suffering, that it has been made possible for them, whether it be but their own household or on a wider scale.” Edward Bach, 1936.

Dr. Bach was a physician – bacteriologist, pathologist and HOMEOPATH. His life’s work was the development of the Bach Essences System – a system so simple that anyone can learn it, whether or not a person has medical knowledge.

Can you put together your own bottle of Bach essences? Have you put together Bach essences for your children who have a hard time adjusting to distance schooling, who are very scared of earthquakes, who are afraid of the coronavirus of which they hear only terrible stories?

Can you put together your combination of Schuessler salts for immunity?

Do you have a homeopathic set at home that you can use when a problem arises?

Or do you depend on the rules and measures of self-isolation? Are pharmacies only available to you until 5 pm? Can’t go to the dentist if you have a toothache? Can’t get a massage when your back hurts? Is your homeopath or an ayurvedic practitioner or a Bach practitioner not working because he is in self-isolation?

Do you realize that these methods have been established for you to learn too?! So that you can help yourself in a large number of situations that can be solved without medical intervention.

Do you realize now that these doctors – Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Bach, Dr. Schuessler – established these natural methods because they were dissatisfied with the way patients were treated with the methods of classical medicine? Do you realize that they established it for you – that you learn it and practice it yourself?

I hope you understand that now. I hope this crazy situation with coronavirus has shown you that!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

All this will be over some day!


Ana Klikovac

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