Why some people still prefer allopathic medicine?

Why some people still prefer allopathic medicine?

Why some people still prefer allopathic medicine?

Before answering the question with which I began this text, I want to note that I am by no means against classical medicine. In fact, I really appreciate the work of medical doctors. The miracles they preform every day in saving lives deserve the highest respect. Being a doctor is a calling that implies a desire to help and a desire to heal. But, the limitations of allopathic drugs in curing a disease are a completely different subject. This is where doctors sometimes become powerless. Sometimes their answer is that there is simply no cure for a particular disease. It is because they have been taught to stay away from natural medicine and not to rely on it for any kind of solution. And that’s where the problem arises. At one point homeopathy was separated from the classical medicine. Instead of today’s medicine using the benefits of all available methods, they limit themselves to only one approach, calling everything that is natural an “alternative method.” But why should that be an alternative at all? Why not use both?

So, I want to emphasize that the point of this text is not to put homeopathy in the foreground above classical medicine.

We can use both, right?!

The point here is to discuss why some people turn a blind eye to homeopathy and other gentle natural methods of healing, reject homeopathy, all in order to take allopathic medicines that are sold with a long list of possible side effects and harmful consequences.

How homeopathy cures?

The Organon of Medicine  is a fundamental work of homeopathy, written by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann back in 1810, in which one can read the basic principles of homeopathy, but also comparisons of homeopathy to classical allopathic medicine.

When he discovered the beneficial effects of homeopathy, Hahnemann completely stopped practicing all the then available methods of treatment with classical medicine.

The Organon is divided into aphorisms, and in the first few aphorisms Hahnemann described what characteristics a real medicine should have: ‘’The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensive principles.”

How does today’s medicine fit this description?

Homeopathy views a person as a whole. In homeopathy there’s no specialization. The homeopath will listen to the client and consider everything that happens to him emotionally, physically and mentally, because all this together gives a unique picture of the disease. And homeopathic remedy is determined by an individualized approach. Clients cannot be interviewed in a hurry, but with great care and deep consideration.

Pill or Nature?

Example from today’s situation – if somebody is depressed and upset because of current developments in the country and the world, are we going to give the person anti-depressant or admit him to a psychiatric ward? Or are we going to attentively listen, hear how he feels, ask him about other current events of his life, and let him tell us in his own words how this corona crisis and earthquake affected him? Could we consider a natural cure that could restore hope into the future, chase away negative thoughts, give back confidence, set him free from fear and panic, strengthen immunity, and enhance sleep quality?

Question for all of you: Are you really going to take a sleeping pill or anti-depressant before considering what Nature has to offer for all of the above ailments? Why do people tend to take addicting drugs right away, and risk numerous side effects, drugs that instruct not to drive while taking them?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann answered that question more than 200 years ago, and it seems to still be true today. In aphorism 55 he writes: ‘’Long ago these allopathic physicians would have been left had it not been for the palliative relief obtained at times from empirically discovered remedies whose almost instantaneous flattering action is apparent to the patient and this to some extent served to keep up their credit.’

In this aphorism we see that he points out how these medicines were produced artificially, unlike the medicines available to us in nature. These allopathic drugs are also manufactured to have a palliative effect, that is, to alleviate or eliminate pain in a person, but without acting on the cause of the pain.

Dr. Hahnemann describes the palliative action of allopathic drugs in aphorism 23 as follows: ”…after transient, apparent alleviation, they break forth again, only with increased intensity, and become manifestly aggravated…”

Furthermore, in aphorism 60, he describes the action of allopathic physicians when the condition worsens again:” … the ordinary physician imagines he can get over the difficulty by giving, at each renewed aggravation, a stronger dose of the remedy, whereby an equally transient suppression1 is effected; and as there then is a still greater necessity for giving ever – increasing quantities of the palliative there ensues either another more serious disease or frequently even danger to life and death itself, but never a cure of a disease of considerable or of long standing.’’

In the same aphorism, Dr. Hahnemann describes examples of the most severe patients, who suffer the most excruciating pain. Here he describes how in many practical cases palliative medicine was given in higher and higher doses, until the patient became so weak that he became helpless to the point that he could no longer moan or show signs of pain. Then there were close members of the immediate family who were deceived by this seemingly visible improvement, who would comment on how good it is for a person not to suffer so much anymore, while praising both medicines and doctors. But what was not visible to them is that the person is still suffering unbearable pain, only in a state of artificial hibernation, destroyed vital force. When such a patient died, the relatives again concluded that the person had died without pain, but also that the person had died because of the cruel course of the disease and not because of the persistent repetition of harmful doses of palliative drugs.

In the aphorism 69, Hahnemann reiterates that palliative medicine only worsens the condition and states the following:”…The disease symptom (this single part of the disease) consequently becomes worse after the term of the action of the palliative drug has expired; worse in proportion to the magnitude of the dose of the palliative drug.”

Even today, many patients around the world are just looking for relief of the pain, drugs that don’t cure but numb, drugs that suppress ailments and pain, and not cure the causes. In doing so, they do not look for the natural; they do not connect the disease to its causes, with their emotions, with the mental state of mind, with the previously experienced shock and trauma. They are just looking for pills that relieve pain, that numb, that dull, that suppress the feelings of pain.

Fortunately, if you follow my blog, my website and my work, you do not belong to this group.

We are fortunate to have homeopathy nowadays. I thank God every day that I have homeopathy available and all these wonderful methods that gently, mildly and permanently remove ailments and diseases.

Dr. Hahnemann’s vision of the future and our prospects

Dr. Hahnemann was ahead of his time at the time he wrote his works. Unfortunately, his thoughts are well ahead of our time too, and it’s been more than two centuries since his discoveries.

In the preface to his first edition, in 1810, Dr. Hahnemann wrote:

“We will see if the doctors, who need to act in good conscience and treat people fairly, continue to stick to their dangerous assumptions and stubbornness, or will they open their eyes to see the life-saving truth.”

In the preface to the third edition, in 1824, he wrote:

“I rejoice in the benefits that homeopathy has already brought to humanity, and I look forward with great satisfaction to the times to come, although I will no longer be here when future generations of humanity recognize this gift of a merciful God and will gratefully use this blessed method. “

Have those days already come, would Hahnemann be pleased with our use of homeopathy? Or is he still waiting for the day when many will recognize the benefits of this method? Answer this yourself.

Yours sincerely,

Ana Klikovac

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